Dashboard settings

The following settings can be accessed via the Settings tab of the Flipside dashboard.


  • Hide name tags - Hides name tags above characters over multiplayer.


  • Lock Props - Locks all props so they can't be moved. When enabled, this overrides individual prop settings. When disabled, props fuction according to what is selected in the Prop Properties menu for that prop.


  • Turn off user interface sounds - Disable user interface sounds (note: they're already automatically off while recording).

  • Spatial audio - If enabled, sounds will be heard from the direction and distance they came from. When disabeled all sounds are equal in volume.


  • Lock cameras - If enabled, it will prevent the local user from interacting with cameras on a set. Useful for actors when collaborating with a camera operator.
  • Disable raycast grab - If enabled, you will only be able to move a camera by grabbing it with your controller directly, but you'll still be able to interact with cameras otherwise.
  • Cameras are eye targets - If enabled, characters will look directly at cameras.
  • Camera movement speed (m/s) - How fast the camera should move between positions when the camera switcher is set to Move.
  • Camera shake - Whether to apply a shake to cameras so they have a more handheld human feel, and if so, how much.

Next: General settings

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