
The ScoreboardElement keeps score for each user, or for cooperative play where the scores are combined to win or lose together. Optionally, it can also display scores on a TextMeshPro component.

You can tie event handlers in your set to the following list of events:

  • OnInitializeP1 - Called to initialize play for player 1.
  • OnInitializeP2 - Called to initialize play for player 2. Fired only if 2 players are present.
  • OnInitializeP3 - Called to initialize play for player 3. Fired only if 3 players are present.
  • OnInitializeP4 - Called to initialize play for player 4. Fired only if 4 players are present.
  • OnInitializeP5 - Called to initialize play for player 5. Fired only if 5 players are present.
  • OnPoints - Called when points are awarded to any player.
  • OnWin - Called when the game has been won.
  • OnLose - Called when the game has been lost.
  • OnWinReached - Called when the game has been won, but the Continue After Win property was checked.
  • OnReset - Called when the game is reset.
  • OnCombinedScore(value) - Called when the Combine Scores To Win property is checked. The value is between 0 and 1 and can be used for example to increment the fillAmount of a canvas image.

Note that there can be only one ScoreboardElement in a set, but it can be reused by resetting and changing the points values as needed. To reset the score, trigger the ResetScores() method from any event.

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